Best Outsourced Occupations in 2021

Did you know that over 300,000 jobs in the US are outsourced every year? What does this figure tell us? Outsourced occupations have been and will continue to redefine the labor market as we approach 2021. With worker displacement through outsourcing, technology advancement, and offshoring being on an upward trend, a more vibrant economy based on freelance talent is likely to emerge. That, coupled with increased adoption of the work-from-home model due to the COVID-19 pandemic, will completely change the world of work and employment as we know it.

More employees will gravitate towards jobs that offer them independence and opportunities for self-development. Others will be pushed to become contingent workers. Employees will be forced to equip themselves with new skills and abilities before they’re required. Let’s now look at some of the best-outsourced occupations in 2021.

  1. Customer Service Representatives (CSRs)

The number of companies outsourcing customer service to cut their operational costs has increased exponentially. It’s estimated that 54 percent of all companies use third-party customer support teams to engage and connect with their customers. This percentage is expected to increase in 2021 and beyond as customer expectations continue to increase. Customers want fast, personal support, 24/7. Delivering what customers want is a surefire way to earn their loyalty and even attract new ones. And one way to do that is to partner with an outsourcing partner that provides call center services.

As a customer service representative, your job will include answering questions, providing customers with information about products or services, taking orders, and processing returns. It’ll also involve talking with customers via live chat, video conference, or over the phone. To do that, you’ll require some basic knowledge, social skills, and excellent communication abilities.

  1. Digital Marketing Specialists

The global health crisis forced many companies to move to the digital scene while physical stores transitioned into eCommerce sites. Due to this, the demand for digital marketing specialists has been on the rise in 2020. And this demand is expected to shoot up come 2021, as more businesses worldwide embrace digital transformation.

The expertise of digital marketing specialists lies in online platforms such as social media. Some of your responsibilities as a digital marketer will range from search engine marketing to management of social media campaigns to Google ads. So to succeed as a digital marketer, you’ll require general marketing skills and some experience in the digital scene.

  1. Data Analysts

Companies around the world are starting to realize the value of data. They want to understand both online and offline consumer behaviors, and then leverage this information to develop valuable marketing strategies. And to do that, they need competent data analysts.

As a data analyst, your job description includes collecting data from various sources, interpreting patterns and trends and then offering recommendations on the strategies that the company can implement to boost their business. To succeed in this field, you’ll need some data analysis skills like Microsoft Excel, critical thinking, data visualization, statistical programming, presentation skills, and more.

  1. Graphic Designers

In an effort to stay ahead of the competition in the digital space, companies will try to run powerful marketing campaigns. And to do that, they need to bring their marketing ideas to life. This is where graphic designers come in. Companies will prefer to outsource graphic design tasks to freelancers rather than hire full-time employees for that specific task.

Your job description as a graphic designer will include everything from creating layouts for product designs to designing the user interface to developing new logos for new businesses. To get hired as a graphic designer, you’ll need some experience of working with tools like Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, and a variety of other design tools.

  1. Web Developers

With so many new online businesses coming up almost every day and a good number of existing ones trying to establish a presence online, the demand for web developers will skyrocket in 2021. And most companies will prefer to outsource their web development tasks to a professional instead of hiring a web developer as a full-time employee.

Some of your responsibilities as a web developer will include writing effective code, developing websites, collaborating with programmers and website designers, and maintaining as well as improving the website once developed. To successfully secure a job as a web developer, you must be familiar with web development, know how to write effective codes, have some basic understanding of SEO, and probably have a Bachelor’s degree in computer science or computing.

Final Thoughts

Recent global events have triggered significant disruptions in the labor market. Organizations around the world have been forced to send workers home and to outsource some jobs in order to cut down their operational costs. As a result, new employment opportunities are arising and the demand for some jobs is increasing rapidly. This article has focused on just 5 of the best-outsourced occupations in 2021. But countless other great outsourced occupations are likely to emerge in 2021. So keep doing your research to stay on top of the latest trends in the labor market.



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